Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekly post

What I learned today in globaloria is how to do symbols.What I think when we did the symbols is that it was easy.What I taught is that it wasn't boring doing the symbols.Why I think it was not boring is because I pay attention.Today I'm writing how I feel what I have learned.So I feel good learning because I'm doing what I need to know.I'm feeling good to is because I'm learning everything that I'm doing in class.Today I'm writing about how I think is hard my work that I  do ,and I'm going to write about how do I feel doing my work and learning.What I think is difficult is to remember everything in one moment.That's what I think is difficult to me to do.What I feel doing this is good.What I mean good is that I field comfortable doing my work.Today I'm going to write what I'm doing and how a challenge.Well I have doing the steps and a challenge to do my best lessening and paying attention.Well I challenge that because those are the things I need to be doing.What I'm writing today about is how a challenge my self doing my work?.Well I challenge in my work because I want to have good grades.I think having a good grade is cool because you can do cool stuff.Those are the stuff  that I challenge for.

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